Episode 16: Reetta Toivanen talks about police violence and racial profiling

In this episode of "Think. Debate. Inspire.", Henry Alt-Haaker and Pradnya Bivalkar speak with Reetta Toivanen about police violence, what racial profiling means, how it manifests itself and some of the measures that can be taken to tackle this issue.

Reetta Toivanen
Robert Bosch Academy / Ausserhofer

Reetta Toivanen is legal anthropologist and Professor in Sustainability Science at the Helsinki Institute for Sustainability Science (HELSUS) and Department of Cultures at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Toivanen is also the vice-director of the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity, and the European Narratives (EuroStrorie). She is a non-resident senior research fellow at the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) in Flensburg (Germany). From 2023 until 2025, she is a member of the Finnish Government’s Expert Panel on Sustainability. Since 2014, she has been an independent expert member in respect of Finland in the Council of Europe’s Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), she is currently the First Vice President.